I have spent the last 8 years doing extensive listening tests on various cable elevator and de-elevator systems. Many friends loved to come over to do blind listening tests.
We noted the effects on directionality, material, material density, elevation pattern and elevation height.
The effects on speaker cables, interconnects and power cords lead to having to buy much longer lengths. For instance my stealth Indra of 1m had to be replaced with a 12m set so I could fit the elevators underneath.
I tried raising the elevators to various heights with significant improvements. A few inches off the ground did produced better lows than leaving cables on the floor, but on raising these cables higher I found much better highs. (my current elevators are 9 feet high).
The 9 foot elevators (best so far) are made from pure 5nines silver and insulated in doped paper and silk with carbon fiber supports. These made for an extra ordinary listen.
I had to buy bigger subs to balance these sparkling and extended highs. But it was for the subs which I found the cable de-elevators a brilliant solution. I was starting to get thinness from the subs but the de-elevation brought tight, plummeting bass, full of overtones and texture. de-elevating the power & sub cables cannot be underestimated.
The 9 foot elevators are prototypes but I am told will be available in time for CES 2013. The de-elevators are available in limited numbers.