Nordost Frey series 1 or Heimdall series 2?

I am debating on whether I should buy the original Frey series speaker cable or pay a little more and get the new Heimdall Norse 2 speaker cables.

From the threads I have been reading the difference between the original Heimdall and Frey series is quite slight. If this is true and the Norse 2 series is marked improvement over the original line I am wondering if I should just buy the Heimdall Norse 2 instead.

With the discounted sale price going on now, the original Frey and Heimdall 2 are somewhat similar in price.
I had Heimdall speaker cables (and I'm a big Nordost fan), was using a Cary CAD 200 amp, and did NOT like the combo one bit. I got the sense that these speaker cables are very amp- dependent. IE, the Cary was kinda all about mid and the Heimdalls just were not having it.
Go for the new series, they improved the overwhole sound. Older ones can become harsh.
I have not auditioned these, I cannot Judge. My impression is that the sound is more invloving and they are even more open.
I just bought a Heimdall 2 Digital interconnect moving from the GutWire Synchrony 1. The sound from the Heimdall 2 is so warm and full. I noticed an increase in the lower and upper end. I am currently working on moving to Nordost XLR interconnects all around. I have the fronts using Nordost Baldur and the rest using Kimber Timbre rca connects, I tried the Heimdall Speaker wire and found it a bit thin at times. I liked the Heimdall but I felt my Kimber 8TC held its own against it. I would like to use the Heimdall 2. I heard that Heimdall 2 rivals the Tyr 1 and Frey 1 speaker wire.