Kubala Sosna Cables - Reality Check

I am auditioning some of the Kubala Sosna Expression interconnects and speaker cables. My initial impressions are that these wires are a bit to the 'warm' side of neutral. (Not complaining or criticizing the cables - just making an observation). Have you gotten similar impressions in your rig with these cables?
I have the Kubala Fascination - xlrs and speaker cables to connect my Simaudio Supernova to Simaudio I7 to Sonus Faber Cremona M s. I find them to be fairly neutral and very quiet. Great cables.
Yes, these are 'demo' cables, not new. I only say that they are sounding 'warm' in the context of my rig and compared to the JPS and Fusion Audio. More listening is definitely needed before I can say for certain. They sound good for sure...
emotions were warm--bit rolled in highs, golden in mids, a bit truncated in bass...reminded me of SET amps (a good thing). were a wonderful match to wilson WPs i had

when i tried a more transparent cable (AQ redwoods) i ended up having to ditch the wilsons