Kubala Sosna Cables - Reality Check

I am auditioning some of the Kubala Sosna Expression interconnects and speaker cables. My initial impressions are that these wires are a bit to the 'warm' side of neutral. (Not complaining or criticizing the cables - just making an observation). Have you gotten similar impressions in your rig with these cables?
emotions were warm--bit rolled in highs, golden in mids, a bit truncated in bass...reminded me of SET amps (a good thing). were a wonderful match to wilson WPs i had

when i tried a more transparent cable (AQ redwoods) i ended up having to ditch the wilsons
I was using KS Fascinations with tubes and Harbeths. Found them to be a 'warm' cable also - similar to Cardas.
It seems reasonable the KS could be ideal or less than ideal depending on other components or system context. The same could be said for Stealth or any cable for that matter.What cable is best with any compnent under any/all circumstances?
"Stealth cables are much better" with what?