Don't read you'll be sorry

Just got my new Audioquest K 2 speaker cables from DH GATE yep I said it. I bought my previous Audioquest cables from my former employer [Audio Buys] Summer job pre wiring houses. Still great friends. Anyway paid their cost for a brand spanking new pair of "Bed Rock" cables I was so proud. So what I know are quote un quote real Audioquest cables just got blown away by a $380.00 total cost [shipped door to door in 6 days] pair of Audioquest k2's from DH Gate.

I agree with you - its definitely $ 380 well spent - the wire is well made, have good connectors and it appears to have the right geometry - in my system it sounds "lighter" than my Kimber 16TC which is custom made for me by the great folks a Kimber. For what its worth my "K2" are terminated in the "right" direction with the arrows on the internal leads pointing in the direction of the signal flow, and this really does not matter much, the way the wire is terminated determine the way of the directionality , the shield connected to ground at the amplifier end - however Im puzzled by this - it indicate that the wire is not intended for use with differential mono blocks like mine. Some folks my say that the way the internal conductors are spun - ie clock wise or counter clock wise for the negative vs the positive leads matters - I think not.

If you like the wires then that is all that maters, enjoy the music, sounds like you are :-)

"Part way through dinner the wife commented on how good the system sounded and I could see her getting distracted by the music as she got in the groove."

- can not be better than that.

As always good listening

Manitunc, It would be interesting if they both weighed the same! See if you can get AQ to give you total grams on a K2.
Nah, I'm not going to bother. If someone else wants to find out and post the weight here, I will weigh mine and compare.
New cables arrived of course they are the best on the planet cause I got em [hehe] All jokes aside, pay pal refunded my $ to me for the K2 knock off's, Yes part of the deal was that I destroy them, done. FYI, MIT has dis continued 3 of their lines EXP AVT and CVT oops Shotgun too I think. Cables are so confusing. Anyway great deals are out there for these now. I decided on the CVT Terminator 2. Wow! [quit laughing] bass extention is incredible and I guess you guru's call it cymbal decay? Never had a reference point w/ this before. To me alot more "full/rich" sound. Audioquest were real clean and bright almost harsh compaired to these. Been burning in since Fri. These just so far keep getting happier and happier of maybe that's me. I do have 1 question [here we go again] I ended up buying single wire version. My question is do aftermarket "jumpers" make a difference over "stock" jumpers that came w/ speakers?
Tycobb, Everybody says stock jumpers (plates) are horrible. I use biwired (shotgun) cables but still need jumpers between tweeter and midrange in my 3 way speakers. I use Audioquest jumpers. They come silver or gold plated.