Purist Audio Break In - Venustas

Need some info on fellow users of PAD Venustas. I used the Cable Co's library to review the Venustas and loved it. Just got my new Venustas in today and plugged them up and they are decided bright sounding. I know the cables need breaking in, but can someone tell me if the brightness is normal? The only difference between my set and the library set is mine is 3.5m long and the libraries was 2m long.
Hi, make sure you have them going in the right direction, crucial for these cables. Other than that you have two issues, first, after shipping they take a day or 3 just to settle down, then 150-200 hours of breakin.

You have great cables, just give em a bit...also they will get better then maybe worse during the breakin process...good luck and congrats on your new cables
As for the right direction, I have the label end of the cable on the amp (or source) end as the instructions say. I'm sure they will settle out, but I didn't know if the extra length might be the culprit of the brightness or that the cable just needs time.
The Venustas is not bright sounding, I think, some of your units are that way. That's all. When you want to avoid that "sound" you can compensate it with Cardas cables.