Onda Cables? Yes

Over ten years in this hobby. I have tried many. I have read reviews. Forums and Threads. I wanted it all. Tell me it's great so I can try or buy it.

Well, I can list the the cable company's that I have tried and owned but somehow I feel the thread will be attacked by " fan boys" and or disguised owners / dealers pushing their own.

6moons does not need to review this product. 6moons needs to implement it in their systems to evaluate all other components as a standard.

My reason to put forward my effort to post this is obvious. Just in case it's not obvious>>> Cables are costly, frustrating. Break in times while this is true, I for one think they should still sound great from the get go!!!

I own the Onda Air speaker cables and interconnect. Yes!

yes, cables flavor, but the trick is to find the flavor you like, not just any flavor.
I am selling what became an extra 8foot Onda Rush Power Cable.

Glory this cable should settle into your system nicely.

You should never pay MSRP. Did you know that you will overpay by 300% of the actual cost to build a cable like this? Many good points to buy used on this forum and if things do not work out just resell them. There is a home for all cables just do not get suckered into giving away a ton of your money to your hard working resellers.

Take it and go.

I think it wi be a hard sell for the Onda AC cable as not many know about it. Stick it on your TV!!