Nordost Brahma vs Heimdall 2 power cords

Any sharing of experience on the above will be appreciated

I use McIntosh MCD 500 CDP, C48 preamp, MC302 amp

Currently with 2 x Heimdall 2 power cords feeding the pre and amp from Quantum QB4. I use Quantum QX2 between QB4 and the wall mains.

Reason I ask is that I read raving Brahma reviews everywhere, and while Valhalla power cord price is easily 3 times Brahma or Heimdalls; I wonder if I should (1) look for Brahmas instead of Valhallas; or (2) stay with the Heimdalls 2
In my system and to my ears the Valhalla simply has been the best P.C. I've tried. With the Valhalla's music just has a 'rightness' in sound quality that nothing else has matched. Good luck.

The answer to each and every power cord question is Pangea. EVERY power cord question.
The answer to each and every power cord question is Pangea. EVERY power cord question.

Really? Wanna buy another one? The 9SE.

I compared the Valhalla, Brahma, and Vishnu directly, and in my system the Brahma was the winner.

I can say that in my summer system, replacing the Brahma cord from the Thor to the wall with a PS audio Lab Cable resulted in a fuller bass response. The Pangea was just plain dark, less at both frequency extremes, and not much in the way of dynamic contrast.

I have not heard the Heimdall 2 cords, so can't offer any advice on the differences.