How Black is Your Background?

The term "black background" is bandied about quite a bit by cable makers. But has anyone actually ever seen one? Of course, this a visual metaphor because the sound of music is not black, nor is the absence of music black.

If we change the wording, what does that elusive "silent background" actually sound like? The only times I have ever hear a silent background in my system are before the music starts playing and after it stops. Are cable manufacturers and reviewers just pulling our collective legs with a wonderful marketing term -- selling the concept of a "black background"? Or is there more to this than meets the ear?

Here are some of the terms that cable manufacturers and reviewers use to describe the "black background". Can you pick out which term applies to your system? Can anyone explain the differences between these multifarious descriptions of blackness?

“dark background”
“black background”
“blacker background”
“blackest background”
“an almost eerie, black background”
“super-black background”
“liquid black background”
“black hole background”
“exquisitely black background”
“inky black background”
“surprisingly black background”
“absolutely silent and black background”
“velvety black background”
“naturally black background”
“jet-black background”
“totally black background”
“deep black background”
“wonderful dark blackground”
“drop-dead silent background”
“pitch black background”
“quiet black background”
“blacker quieter background”
“blackest background possible”
“blackest background that you have ever heard”
“darkest blackest background”
“very black background”
“darkest and blackest background possible”
“blackest of backgrounds”
“blackest of black background”
“enhanced black background”
“deep dark background”
“impressive dark background”
“ultra black background”
“dead black background”
Mapman, didn't mean to imply cables are adding hiss or noise. I meant the system as a whole. So I'm saying cables are not adding anything, just transfering the signal from the source. Of course some cables "colour" the sound.(and some people want that).
You know, the old garbage in/garbage out theory.
Eh could be blacker as my always pessamistic grandmother used to say. If more blackness couldn't be attained what would all these blackening enhancing products have to say. They would shrivel and die into a blackness they would never recover from.
It's not just the shade of black, it's the texture of black. I really like velvet black, as say compared to satin black. The warmth and feel of velvet between notes is so soothing I wish the music would stop playing. I mean the black velvet silence between notes just completely overwhelms any notes played by the artist. My Sonic Enema cables are specially made for just this effect LOL!
I like my background so black that it bends the light in my room.
It really focuses my attention.

All the best,
I like tha blackness of my Isoclean transformer/power conditioner/cables in my system.....since I put it into my system, I do not think about any blackeness any more.....