Anyone try Supra LoRad 2.5 PCs?

I'm thinking of giving these a try as I'm still using stock power cords (I know, I know). I'm sure there will be an improvement but wondering if anyone has tried these and how they may compare to some other PCs out there. As always, thanks for thoughts.
I own this powercord. It was a pretty big improvement over any stock cord. Good clean sound, but a little bass shy. I was more impressed by the Supra speaker cables than the powercord... You will not regret upgrading your pc's. I think alot of people on A'gon use Signal Cable and Pangea for budget cords also.
The Supra LoRad 2.5 is an improvement over stock cords. I run cables in series and I use the Supra LoRads to patch into my high end cables using Bybee products. I would never use the Supras alone in my system because they do not have the sonic qualities that my system needs but they may suit your needs.
Thanks guys. Have you tried the 2.5 on amps as well as preamps, DACs, etc.? I read a review where they did ok on lower current devices but not so well on amps, so wondering what your experience is here.

Where I am is I have no budget for PCs right now, but I can get three 2.5s for about $180 if I attach plugs myself that I can swing (but there's no trial period if I go this route so no going back). Then again, seems like $300 PCs (MAC, Morrow, Triode Wire Labs, etc.) reach a significantly higher level of performance (that my system is good enough to take advantage of) and wondering if I should just wait and save for the better cords (but that will take a while)? Given this would you stick with the stock cords or would the performance gains of the 2.5s be worth it for a while? Thanks again.
In my personal experience (although peeps might not agree?)I have gotten more dramitic results on digital and pre-amp products than amps when changing pc's. I don't know why seeing as they draw less power, just my experience... If I were in your position, I would take a long look at Pangea pc's from the Audio Advisor. (not affilitated) It seems there are a large number of happy users here on A'Gon, and they are right in line with your budget.
Soix, I'm using a Lorad 2.5 attached to my Rowland model 8. It's an excellent power cord and far superior to the Shunyata Diamondback that I was using before. However,I do think it is important to use a better plug than what Supra my case, i am using the Wattgate plugs.