Anyone try Supra LoRad 2.5 PCs?

I'm thinking of giving these a try as I'm still using stock power cords (I know, I know). I'm sure there will be an improvement but wondering if anyone has tried these and how they may compare to some other PCs out there. As always, thanks for thoughts.
All my Lorad cables use the rubbish Supra connectors though, and the Cabledyne has the Wattgate's so its not truly an apples to apples comparison I admit.
Agisthos, IF you are using the Supra connector's you haven't heard this cable, IMHO. The standard connector's are garbage compared to the Wattgate's or Furutech's. Try the Supra with Wattgate's and then get back to us.
I just spent this morning doing that (replacing the Supra connectors with some Wattgates I had lying around) -- big improvement! A very open, airy, clear and neutral sound. Wonder what Furutechs would do.
DaveyF: Is there a connector that you could recommend for $100usd for the set? Do you recommend copper or gold? I am currently using the Supra connectors and would like to experiment..
Ref. Wattgate plugs: I own the Cabledyne cords and they are excellent for the money around $160. I did try these cords with the Furutech FI-50 series plugs and the sound improved greatly (with the addition of better outlets) but at far more dollars. With the upgraded plugs, it brought the price up to $660 but now the cord easily compares to cords in the 4-figure price range.

In summary plugs do matter.