Synergistic Research Comes Down to Earth

I just read some of the RMAF reviews. Since I live overseas I don't get to shows and am envious of those who have the opportunity to do so. I noticed a big difference in the Synergistic Research room this year versus last year.

In 2011 Synergistic Research chalked up a grand total of nearly $150,000 for their system with about $40,000 of that dedicated to their own equipment and cables. It must have been a pretty impressive sound. This year their room chalked up only about $25,000 with about $13,000 dedicated to their own equipment and cables.

Synergistic Research has really come down to Earth. I wonder how the 2012 system sounded compared to the 2011 system. One thing that I am pondering is the $1,500 Nola speaker in a $25,000 system. The Nola is supposed to be an impressive speaker but I wonder about the sonic attributes of a $1,500 in a $25,000 system. Can anyone report on the Synergistic Research room and the Nolas?
" So far, I have not been able to take out any cables without the quality of the sound deteriorating. "

SAbai, is it possible that the sound merely changes from the optimal (as you have it tuned to your liking) to something different?

Does having all the cables in place truly result in undeniably better sound?

A lot of these judgements tend to be somewhat subjective IMHO, so there is little that most people report that surprises me.
Good question. There is no doubt that the sound improves with series cabling. But now that I have taken out the SR Powercell the dynamic may have changed for all I know. I will need to see what changes will happen to the sound when I take out different cables -- and then reinsert them.

I can picture you at a clam bake with ocean fresh lobsters and clams. They taste best with minimal of preparation and you butchering the dish like it was imitation lobsters and clams. I treat my big $$ components like the ocean fresh lobsters and clams.

Since running components in a series often softens the sound. I bet you have an all SS system and in need of some tubes in the chain. Am I correct on all SS system?
Bacardi, you contradict yourself. On other forum threads you praise the Powercell 10 SE and Synergistic Research and here you do not.

Was it you that had a PS Audio PPP and auditioned the Powercell 10 SE and said the PS Audio was restricting your dynamics? I guess you just got tired of the Powercell and decide to trash it and Synergistic, whom you once praised. When something you like better than HiDiamond come out in a few years, are you going to trash HiDiamond??? I just shake my head in disappointment because you found a manufacturer you like better so you decide to trash another. That is not how you get credibility on these forums. I'm very happy you like HiDiamond in YOUR system. I still like Synergistic Research in mine. Can we all end this boring read and talk about our hobby we love??? Geeeez!