Power Cords - Just Say Yes

I'm the biggest cable skeptic on the planet. I've never been able to tell the difference between one speaker cable over the other. I've never a/b tested because I just can't handle that sort of thing when all I want to do is listen to music. The power cord however is a whole different beast. I know. I just replaced a 18/3 that was powering my Rogue Cronus Magnum for two years with an Audioquest NRG4. I know some people aren't fans of AQ but that's what my local guy sells and I support him 100%. He sold me a broken in demo which is exactly what I wanted. I didn't do an a/b test and I didn't have to. I pulled the old one out and tossed it in the copper recycling pile and replaced it with the AQ. I fired up my amp this morning and let her warm up. I pulled out Sylvain Luc & Bireli Agrene's 'Duet' and hit the play button on the remote. Right off the bat I had to blink my eyes to make sure I was actually in my house. Everything tightened up with a dead silent background. I feel like a fool for waiting so long to come around on this one. I'm still skeptical of whether or not I will notice a difference when I replace the power cord to my CDP, but if you tell me I'll notice I might believe you. Either way, that's my next investment.
Just took delivery of my new preamp. WOW! What an improvement. But I noticed it has a wimpy PC. Will I replace it? Probably. Will it improve my system? - at least pyschologically! Like I said earlier, enjoy the ride before you get old and lose your hearing.
Does it really matter if it's nonmental or pyschological as long as you enjoy the outcome?
If someone states something like a fuse or power cord makes an improvement, it always sparks controversy.

Happens everytime.

Same old arguments, same rehash from both sides, the pros and cons.

The only difference is that those folks who make claims that they hear improvements are always cast in the same mold.

What they are hearing is only wishful thinking, buyer's remorse,buying into snake oil, and they are dillusional as any sane person with an ounce of intelligence just "knows" this stuff can't work.

I can appreciate comments from the folks who have tried some upgrades and haven't heard night and day differences.

Dashed hopes and great expectations of one wire transforming a system into something spectatcular, seldom happens.

It's when you add all the little "can't make a difference"tweaks together that you start to notice what's going on.

Another reason is that a lot of folks just want to be entertained.They aren't serious about the quality of the sound, just the music for the music's sake.
They really don't care about improving what they have, good enough is good enough.

What's good enough for one fellow may not be good enough for the next.

But no one should deride people for the choices they make.

If someone can afford to spend $12,000.00 on power cords and conditioning,why is he labeled a fool?

If someone settles for the stock 2 dollar power cord is he any less the fool?
No , but somehow they are the ones who pride themselves on how astute they for not falling into the charms of the snake peddlers.

What I've found is that the owners of expensive power cords seldom berate those who don't have them.
They only post their thoughts with the hopes that others may find the added joy these upgrades can bring to the experience.

In other words they would like more hobbyists to join in on the fun they have just discovered.

They aren't trying to exclude anyone,they are just spreading the joy.
Like the folks who make claims about Bugle Boy tubes improving the sound of what they have.Weren't the stock tubes good enough?
Where's the uproar over upgraded tubes?

The test of time I suppose.
As more people sing the praises, more people are curious and try.
Some will have other preferences when it comes to tubes, maybe Tele's for instance.
Perhaps this will happen with power cords etc.

However with so many favourable accounts of the improvemnts of upgraded power cords,I still see numerous reports of why no one should bother with them.

Well, why bother with anything?
Leave everything as it is,good enough is good enough,and enjoy the sound of the music just the way it sounds at this point of time in your system.Settle for what you have.

I am glad that humanity never really bought into that concept, or we'd still be living in caves.

We may be forced to live within our means,but how many people are happy with that?
If we are offered a raise,would we refuse,isn't our present wage good enough?

I think we all want the better things this life has to offer. A Rolex is not on my list, but I'm not knocking the guy who can afford it either.

It's been my expereince that I can still enjoy a well played and scratched up lp of music I enjoy, warts and all if that's all I have.
If it's the only copy I have, then it will have to do.
It will be good enough.

But I think everyone will agree, things just get so much better when you find a pristine copy or re-issue.

Good enough is good, but better is better.

If you don't have to settle for good enough, why should you?

And why should you feel everyone else should?

Snow tires are better than stock tires in the winter, yet some folks refuse to use them.
Like upgraded power cords,they'll do the job.

You only have to try them for yourself.
Lacee: "It's when you add all the little "can't make a difference" tweaks together that you start to notice what's going on."

I argee heartily with that. I'm no Golden-Eared Audiofile, able to hear subtle differences instantly. I can and do hear, fairly quickly, some differences among cables and other components, but I'm more a medium- to long-term listener, able to eventually hear improvements in transparency, smoothness, etc. And lest the protestors write that I'm merely getting used to the new sounds, not all changes to my system have created better sounds, and they get reversed.

I believe that cable, generally, has significant influence on sound quality, and why shouldn't it? Even Measurists understand that, for instance, brass is a measurably better conductor of electricity than cheaply plated steel, and that copper a better conductor than brass. How about the dielectric surrounding the conductors? Who would say that PVC is a better-sounding insulator than, say, Teflon?

If you agree that components--including all cable--of a music-reproduction system can never IMPROVE the music, only add bad stuff and remove good stuff, then probably you'd agree that EVERY time you replace one of these 'sinning' components with one that sins less, the quality of the music improves. IOW, improvements to music-reproduction systems are indeed cumulative.

Lacee: "Good enough is good, but better is better. If you don't have to settle for good enough, why should you? And why should you feel everyone else should?"

WELL said, Lacee.

My system, after about 65 years of being an audiofile/audiofool, has never sounded better and is the BEST-sounding music-reproduction system I've even heard. I'm confident that all those relatively expensive interconnect, speaker, and powercables in it are assisting, not hindering, that excellence.

I also believe that the majority of those who state loudly that powercables (or whatever) CAN'T sound different will NEVER hear a difference, because they don't want to.
Besides powercord, i get improvements when i changed the dc cable from a stock 20 awg multistrand copper to a diy dc cable using 18 awg neotech upocc solid core silver with teflon insulation. The lines are clearer and more defined. This dc cable is for the calyx linear power supply feeding the calyx 24/192 dac.