Purepower 2000+ and 3000+ actual availability???

Does anyone know where things stand with actual Purepower 2000+ and 3000+ unit availability (Canadian company)? None of the authorized sources I checked with who actually responded seem to have them, nor have they been given any reliable answer as to when things will ship. Apparently quite a few promised ship dates have been made and have been missed over the past few months based upon the information given.

The plus-generation of these units have several features that I really want in my system as an upgrade to my existing unit. It would be good if they are making the units and are shipping them out to be purchased.

Have any of you been able to purchase one of these new units from the Canada-based Purepower and do you have it in your system? If so, how do you like it?

I am aware of the problems with the 'other PP' company and the schism between the two earlier in 2012, and do not need any info on that.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xzephyr24069
Purepower, It still seems that you have not worked the bugs out of the new units that you continue to sell.
PP if all these customers that get a hum when the new PP+ is used and none of use ever had these issues before with many other conditioners (and I myself spent weeks and weeks trying all sorts of grounding schemes to eliminate the hum) and none of us had any luck then I thinks it's safe to say there is something wrong with these units. You can spin this anyway you want but......

(Dealer disclaimer)
The hum issue is much more disconcerting than the shipping.

Neither are good signs, and they certainly don't inspire condfidence.
Purepower: Over the past 10-12 months, we've heard all the background on how challenging it's been, the fight with members of your old company after the fracture, how it's taken time to setup your production facilities, challenges with shipping, reset and further broken promises on shipping to users and dealers (mine included).

Your response above completely skips over all the substantive feedback and implicit questions from several people with different system configs who have all experienced the same thing, i.e. hum out of speakers and/or amplifiers, etc...when putting a new PP 2000+ or 3000+ unit into the system but we've not heard one thing from PP in response that states you are working on the issue (reported 4-5 months ago at a minimum) and have a path toward resolution.

I for one understand if you don't come right out and state specifics on a public forum but you could at least answer and update replies that are laying fallow in at least 2 cases I know personally, in your Inbox, for the last 3-4 months.

Quality of service in shipping, etc...matters not when what arrives is not usable in high-end audio systems and must be shipped back.

Please address the problems with the 2000+ and 3000+ so that customers who have been loyal in the past and continue to be hopeful you will get past what seem like part choice, design and/or build issues that are causing the hum problems and put out units that can be purchased which hold up to the same quality of build and sound criteria as the prior generation of 2000 and 3000 products. If you do not, I think it is obvious you will forever lose customers starting with this one.
Oxxy, I can report that the currently shipping PurePower+ product - all models - have no reported bugs at all. None. Zip. Nada.

The last and only "bug" in our electronics since the launch of production in September was corrected in December by the relatively simple mechanical revision of increasing the surface area of a heat sink on a secondary PCB to improve cooling and prevent potential overheating of the battery charge board. The only other revision we have made since September is to increase the heat sink size of another PCB in the 3000 model to allow us to delete a secondary cooling fan from the design.

All other activity has been to find and prevent sources of shipping damage. Fortunately we have a very co-operate test partner in UPS who have provided very effective shake and drop testing. That program has also resulted in success and we now see almost no incidents of units arriving with loose components or physical damage.

We have no active engineering activity aimed at resolving operating problems because we have none. All our resources in that area are able to be used for future product development.

Of the last 100 units shipped all are operating properly except for a few units temporarily out of service to undergo the heat sink upgrade at distributor service depots in Asia and Europe. As for our own customer service we have only 2 units currently in warranty service - and one of those was damaged inadvertently by the customer. He is not being charged for the repair.