HiDiamond Speaker Cables

Does anyone have experience with the upper end of HiDiamond speakers cables? I'm looking into the HD 7 or HD 8. After recently becomming a believer of their power cables I'm thinking of taking a plunge to their speaker cables to match.
So I bit the bullet and went for the HD8's. They arrived on Friday. I'm at around 48hrs of burn in so far. Can anyone give some feedback on what to expect from further burn in time? I'm told these need a good 500hrs which seems a little excessive.
B- depends on how resolving your system is. The answer to your question is exactly what you would think it would be. Again, all systems are different. I now have p-4s from the wall to the P-10s and from the P-10s to the amps. Better than p-3s and much better than stock cord, which is still better than most other stock cords I've heard. P-4 is audibly quieter in my system. P-10 is audibly quieter than P-5 in my system.

Stevepo - curious to hear how you like the HD8's. What are they replacing and what are your speakers?

The HD's sounds good right out of the box but will improve
substantially up to and over the 500 hr mark.
I'd say my ic's noticeably hit their stride at around 400 hours. Seems like a lot but one day I turned on my system and sort of went, "ahhhhh". I feel like they hit a plateau somewhere between 100-200 hours then Bam! at about 400.
I have terminated my P3s with Oyaide M1 plugs and F1 IECs and the difference is night and day. Expensive but worth every cent.