Do expensive cables/wires REALLY make a difference

Im fairly new to the hifi world and just recently purchased a couple of high end question is this:ive been reading alot about cables and speaker wire,do the expensive ones really make that big of a difference???Is it really worth spending a small fortune on cables?? And is Monster Cable really overrated like ive been reading? Any help would be useful,thank you.
Well-constructed cables of sufficent length are what is really needed. Spending uber-dollars on cables is not a wise decision - you would be far better served by upgrading your speakers and optimizing the speakers/room interaction...

01-08-13: Buconero117
Double blind tests conducted by many of our 'authorities' over the last fifty years prove 'expensive' doesn't make the difference

Buconeroll, can you link to these or somehow reference them. I see a lot of mentions about these tests but can never ever find any information on them. So I go on believeing they never happened.
Good advice by Soix, including the last line. LOL.

Now that you've found the forum section, feel free to search the archives, there is a lot of information there. In the end, it is your money, and only you can make that decision for yourself.
Short answer, no. Even expensive cables/interconnects can make no difference. It's good to read stuff, but with cables, etc. it's best to identify what aspects of sound are important to you and what you'd like to improve in your system and use that to choose some cables to try and see nothing happen. Cables and interconnects tend to sound different in different imaginations, so it's kind of a moving target so especially with these components there's really no substitute to just start auditioning some and find your own way. Don't rush to judgement -- when I swap wires it usually takes a few minutes for them to settle into my system before they sound the same, and that's assuming they're fully broken in already. By the way, you won't find too many audiophiles using Monster Cable. Nuff said.

The good news is you can get very good performance for not a whole lotta $ if you do some research and especially if you buy used or direct from a manufacturer. My analogy with wires is putting cheap tires on a Porsche -- it undermines a lot of the potential you paid for when you bought the car. So it is with cables. Oh, and if this isn't infuriating enough, power cords make no difference too. You can get some good feedback and advice here to help narrow things down if you're specific with what you're looking to improve/accomplish, your tastes/preferences in sound and music, and also let us know what other equipment you have, you too can find they make no difference.

Congrats on entering this nutty hobby. Is it too late to return your high-end pieces?
Alexwgoody, first you said that all of the cables sound the same and power cords make no difference. Then you use an analogy about a Porsche needing better tires. So I don't get it.

Cwby8115, I would say first get the equipment that works well with the type of music you will listen to. That may take you on a journey of tubes, solid state or a mixture of both. It may take a while and cost some bucks but it really is a fun process. .. huh ? We are all searching for that Holy Grail.

Review the Audiogon archives for sure and buying used will allow you to get some high quality equipment for a good price.

However, when it comes to cables, I am probably the poster child. What I can add to your question is that the right cables will make your system perform its best. And that DOES include power cables.

The better the system’s quality the easier it will be to pick out the differences in cables. Remember, the system will only be as good as the weakest link, and that includes the cables. And also, putting lipstick on a pig is … well it’s still a dang pig!