OPPO Relieability??

Yesterday at exactly 1 year old my BDP-95 started locking up playing DVD's, CD's work fine. Also streaming Pandora all I get is a blue screen. Sound doesn't seem to be affected.
Anyway it's going back today to be checked out.
In the mean time I put my old Sony 400 disc carousel CD/DVD back in service, it sounds Soooo bad compared to the Oppo!!!
My 105 does a lot of weird things. Sometimes there is no sound unless I hit and then release the mute button. Sometimes it decides it will recognize my MacBook USB, at other times it will stop, usually in the middle of playing. I haven't found the customer service to be all that wonderful either, but obviously I am a minority opinion there.
I've had two Oppo players that I have used for video only. I have found them both to be a bit glitzy. This is giving me pause on getting a ModWright 105 to replace my ModWright Sony.
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