Grover Huffman GH RCA ZX+ cables vs...

At the $200/pair price point new or used, how does GH ZX+ cables compare to others like Greg Straley Reality cables, Gabriel gold (GG) revelation/raptures and alike...

I am looking for a cable that is neutral, and does not act as a filter in any way to highlight a certain portion of the music. From top to bottom it must allow the source material to come through..

This is not suddenly. This is after a year of experimenting with many cables. A year is a long time in Cableland for me. I discarded HiDiamond cables a long time ago.

Unless you are the moderator and are banning me from this thread, if you do not want to hear any more from me then please feel free to ignore my posts. As long as everyone is respectful and sticks to the subject I believe all Members should be able to express their opinions on this subject without being told their opinions are not welcome.
Sabai. I wonder how long it will be until you abandon the Shunyata cables you are currently raving about. Move onto the next flavor of the month and start bad mouthing Shunyata cables. I'm sure it won't be long!

So far so good with Shunyatas. But stay tuned just in case.


I also make my own cables that have replaced Furutech and Elrod. Not for sale.
Sabai. I really don't care which cables you use or want to follow your ongoing pattern of jumping on a new product, raving about it in these forums then dumping it for the next new product that comes along, then bad mouthing the cables you were just raving about in a different forum thread. Clearly your feedback is unreliable and I suggest people researching cables for their system avoid your posts all together.