Bach Brandenberg Concertos CD Recommendation

I need a cd (only) recommendation for a complete set of the Brandenberg Concertos. I'd like a performance that has speed, rhythm and, of course , good sound. I was very disappointed with the recent Harmonia Mundi (label) offering. I thought it to be ponderous and oversized. I remember liking the old Nonesuch LP set. Any recommendations?
Yes the old nonesuch was the Karl Ristenpart/Chamber orchestra Of The Saar, very nice recording, but it is out of print. this orchestra did the DEFINITIVE Art of The Fugue by Bach, but is out of print as well. Yes i did say DEFINITIVE, to set the record straight. However i think this Warchal/slovak C. O. to be nice in all areas, tempo, instrumentation (nice sound), record quality, etc. I like it better than the Ristenpart.
Andante Label has a collection of the Brandenburg Concertos conducted by the likes of Cortot, Mengelberg, Furtwangler, Weingartner... The Cortot Bach is wonderful. So is the Mengelberg. On CD. All wonderful artists, none with "authentic" pretenses. Although I enjoy Pinnock with the English Consort. Sorry, no "good sound" though, all transfers from 78's.
I have enjoyed the Lucerne Festival Strings conducted by Rudolf Baumgartner (Jusef Suk - violin, Max Lesueur-viola, Aurele Nicolet - flute, Manfred Sax - bassoon)...although only on analog. I believe the CD catalog number is RCA Eurodisc 69219-2-RV.

For those who have compared, any opinions of this reading relative to the Pinnock, Goeble and Hogwood cited earlier?
