Has anybody tried using single solid core cables?

At a recent hi-fi show an exhibitor auditioning $47K speakers repeatedly asserted the following: "Any solid core wire, even $0.03 a foot is better than any multi-strand available. Experiment for yourselves, you will be amazed."

My question before I ditch my multi-stranded Audioquest Indigo cables in favor of 4 individual single solid core 18 gauge cobber cables from Home Depot for my newly acquired SA Mantra 50s, has anyone tried using single solid core wires?
After many years of trying every brand and geometry of cable within reason. I have always found myself settling with solidcore cables. Generally they always seemed to sound more focused and direct sonically.

I like the AQ DBS cables I have tried, but they seem to focus more on treble extension and speed. I just find they don't do timbre and 3D depth so well when compared to others. A little solidstate sounding if you know what I mean?

I too have ended up with DNM after many exotic cables (analysis plus golden oval/AQ WBY/ Virtual dynamics Genisis/Kimber Black pearl/ etc) Although I do like MIT cables very much for their 3D depth.
Hmmm, Wonder if DNM would be a good match with my Thiels?? I will look into them as well as the Rocket 33's.
Wolf, which IC's do you have, what do you think of the Big Sur or the Syndey interconnects from Audioquest?
I use Diamondback XLRs for balanced runs from my DAC and from the preamp to amp, RCA King Cobras from my phono pre to the preamp (Mogami Neglex from my turntable to the phono pre), a VDM5 silver sp/dif from my streamer and a VDM3 from my CD player. Nothing fancy, just things that seem to work well in my rig, and most all bought on the used market. I also use a cheap solid core AQ IC to my second amp which is a rarely used outdoor speaker driver. All of these cables are beautifully built and finished...but it's bungees...all bungees. I think generally AQ makes well executed stuff, but haven't used any of their newer things.
Solid core is all I use now. I make my own from home depot wire.

Actually last night I made some solid core 12 gauge romex power cords for my mono amps. I'm blown away at how much the sound improved. Super fast and tight, very detailed but natural, a lot more open and airy with a much better soundstage. Better bass. Everything was just so much nicer.

I already had solid core interconnects I made