Silent Source

Any one here using these cables/cords in their system?
This company's operation is based in Dallas TX.
They are great cables. Even thought i am selling 2 of the 'Music Reference' pcs currently, i think they are great..
Thanks! for sharing- Jhconnor + Calloway.
Yes, these are outstanding cables/cords that will make any system better. It is good to know that this brand is a sonic match for ARC gear.

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Jafant..i didn't realize at my last post that you had AR gear. i have a good friend in a nearby city that has all AR Ref gear and uses all SS 'TMR' cables and his system is superb..Good luck
Hey Calloway are you still thinking about selling the Silent Source PC's you mentioned in your prior post? Let me know if you are I may be interested. Thank you. Keith Mundy Sacramento, CA
You will enjoy the Silent Source cabling- Keith.
What other gear is in your system? Keep me posted as you decide to purchase any SS cable/cord(s). Happy Listening!