Dear audiogon community,

It was recommended, in another post, that I try a difference IC cable. I was considering the audio quest columbia XLR. ( I am currently using xlr cable between by c2300 preamp and mc275 amp). However, I then read that xlr cables only provide a real benefit if you are using balanced cables throughout your entire system, which I presume means from my turntable into my preamp. Is this true? Because if it is, perhaps I should switch to RCA. That is, my tonearm cable ends with RCS cables. In fact, my pre-amp does not have xlr inputs for phono (though it has them for everything else).

I plead with you, the wise audition community, to lead me out of this mystery!
Thank you MOFI; AL; and JMC. I feel like I should send you guys some LP's for your help
There is a minor benefit in using XLR even though the component is not internally balanced....the big benefit is when one does it right.
No worries Al, I am sure that you are right. I would not disagree with you. I am simply repeating what I have been told, it could very well be misinformation, as this hobby is filled with it.

To be honest, I have gone both routes, running a fully differential system with all XLR cables, and running all single ended with RCA's. I cannot say that I have had a noise issue with either. I think I may have convinced myself the balanced was quieter, when I had it, but now that I'm back running SE again, and have no noise issues, I'm convinced I was just buying the hype. ;)
There may have been more measured noise, if I had the proper instruments to measure. If there was any difference in noise level, it was not audible, to me anyway.

I do agree with Mofi that the XLR connectors make for a superior connection though.

Elegal...no need to send LP's, that's why we're here....unless you have extras laying around that you are just looking to give away. ;^)
if preamp and amp are balanced you'll get most of most benefit and cheap xlr wire will sound much better tnan expencive rca
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