Audio Sensibility vs. Signal Cable speaker cable

These are two relatively new audio cable companies. Signal Cable offers a speaker cable called the "Ultra" which has generated some review comments and customer testimonials. Audio Sensibility's Testament speaker cable has only one review in "Stereo Times". Both claim to offer sound quality that is far superior to the much more expensive major brand cables.

Has anyone used, or auditioned either one of these cable brands?? Audio Sensibility's "Testament" cable seems better built and substantial compared to the Signal Cable "Ultra speaker cable, though the latter is much less expensive

However, the question is whether either can provide high-end sound quality worthy of high end speakers
I've not got experience of their speaker cables, but I've dealt with Steve at Audio Sensibility for a few items - including a return from the USA - great service, good products, no hassle with billing or shipping or refund.

I do use OCC cables throughout my system and do like what they do (Audience AU24E - which are my main speaker cables - is OCC, too).
Hi, I hope this may be some help to you. I replaced Acoustic Zen in my system with all Audio Sensibility. A worthwhile improvement in ...more music, quieter, blacker backgrounds. I also replaced a PS audio Quintet with the bigger Power Distribution Box. Steve at AS is the real deal. Highly recommened. Of course, everything is system dependant. YMMV. System was Newform Research R8-30's, Luxman L503S Limited Edition, Oppo 105, Roxan Zerxes TT
Thanks Bluenose.
I could not find much information on Audio Sensibility. A couple of other threads on OCC did not leave an impact on me that OCC makes a difference in sound. In fact people mentioned that cryo was more audibly different than OCC.

I have decided to audition the Clear Day Double shotguns in my system.
I use Audio Sensibility Impact and Testament interconnects, analogue and digital, as well some power cords Steve Huang, the owner, has made up for me using Neotech and Furutech wire. Not inclined to experiment with cables any more. Associated equipment: Esoteric K-03X, Esoteric C-03X with phono, Technics SP-10MKII/Audiomods Micrometer/Grace F9/Soundsmith, Luxman T-117, Meyer Sound Labs X-10T powered speakers, Torus RM20 BAL, two dedicated 20A AC lines.
I have replaced the Signal Cables with Clear Day in my system, of course, at a higher price point. But the truth of timbre was what won me over.