Audio Sensibility vs. Signal Cable speaker cable

These are two relatively new audio cable companies. Signal Cable offers a speaker cable called the "Ultra" which has generated some review comments and customer testimonials. Audio Sensibility's Testament speaker cable has only one review in "Stereo Times". Both claim to offer sound quality that is far superior to the much more expensive major brand cables.

Has anyone used, or auditioned either one of these cable brands?? Audio Sensibility's "Testament" cable seems better built and substantial compared to the Signal Cable "Ultra speaker cable, though the latter is much less expensive

However, the question is whether either can provide high-end sound quality worthy of high end speakers
I have replaced the Signal Cables with Clear Day in my system, of course, at a higher price point. But the truth of timbre was what won me over.
I have always found that "boutique" type cable vendors offer the biggest bang for the buck and that's why Signal Cable and Audio Sensibility have a devout following. I know there are better and more expensive cables out there and everything is system dependant. I've owned some pretty expensive cables in my day, well expensive for me at $1K a pair but I can say that after acquiring Audio Sensibility's Statement SE digital and interconnect cables I don't see the need to make further changes. With the U.S. dollar trading at 20% better at the moment the deal by purchasing Canadian made cables, again IMHO, is a no brainer to me.

No vested interest in the company - just a satisfied customer.
I use Audio Sensibility statement silver interconnect in my system (total cost around $35k). IMO they are very very good.
I use Signal Cable from top to bottom in my system.
They are excellent cables.
I have recently replaced really good cables with Audio Sensibility cables after making multiples comparison. First, I sold my beloved Transparent Premium USB cable after a really long comparison with a special beta cable made by Steven Huang of Audio Sensibility. A double header cable made with more OCC silver than his current Statement offering. Steven knew that I tried about seven good to really good USB cables including his Testament. The Transparent Premium was my favorite follow by Audio Sensibility Statement. Both cables were superior to the Audioquest Diamond, Oyaide Continental 5S and Silnote Poseidon in my System. Steven Huang is a man whl loves challenge, so he ask me to be a beta tester for a Signature USB a couple months back. I never thought my Premium will be beaten but that' s exactly what happened. So lately, i told to myself, why not trying his Signature XLR against my stellar Audioquest SKY, fantastic cables on their own. I ended up selling the AQ SKY last week. Finally, in the same time I moved my headphone set up in my living room so I needed a longer cable for my Audeze LCD-2v2. I found a used Audio Sensibility Statement in 12 feet lenght. I'm now settled with mostly Audio Sensibility cables and I'm really, really pleased with the performance and quality I get for the money. If I have to put one quality that give AS cables the edge over other cables I tried is musical smoothness. At the same time, all the details and dynamics are there but with an incredible fluidity. Kind of hard to descibe without experiencing it. Anyway, I think with the 30 days money, anybody looking for really good value should give Audio Sensibility cables a serious look. I doubt that it will cost you shipping cost for return. Beside, Steven is certainly the kindest personne with who I ever dealt in this hobby.