Wall Outlet Oyaide, Furutek, Wattgate, and others


Any recommendation which the Better Wall Outlet : Bicchino , Furutek , Oyaide , Wattgate or Others?
i used the power. Cord : Elrod Statement Gold, Diamand for the Amp,
And Purist 25 Anniversary for the rest equipment.j
Furutech F109 IEC inlet plugs... Well for starters stock IEC plugs choke the life out of your gear. Sound is veiled, less dynamic . I liked the Rhodium plugs over the Gold. The FI09 IEC inlet plug is larger... but I worked in all 9 of them in my gear, but that's an other story.
Jeb, I did not know that, mmmm, I can see what other modd I will be doing, what is the sound difference between the Rhodium and Gold, I was told that the Rhodium has a forward presatation and can get analitical on certain recordings, where Gold is more forgiving, and still gives you the resolution you want, so what's your take?
My tubehead friend likes the Gold. I have SS gear and prefer the Rhodium. All gear is different, try them both. It might surprise you on the outcome.
My system is solid state/tube, All these modds are going on my tube cd-player that I mentioned in the post above, did you change out the IEC yourself?, If so, Is it easy?, Thanks Jeb.
I have to say most mods I did were NOT easy.They required fabricating parts , machining , and drilling. Dealing with A/C voltages that can ruin your day , need to be properly handled .