Wall Outlet Oyaide, Furutek, Wattgate, and others


Any recommendation which the Better Wall Outlet : Bicchino , Furutek , Oyaide , Wattgate or Others?
i used the power. Cord : Elrod Statement Gold, Diamand for the Amp,
And Purist 25 Anniversary for the rest equipment.j
All the ones mentioned except for the Hubbell have some internal ferrous components that I feel degrade the sound. The single units such as the 5361 will also have the least potential for mechanical resonance. The ones that have the greatest ferrous content in the signal path potentally could end up working extremely well with the power cords from the maker High Fidelity. Tom
ozzy, have you tried the Furutech GTX-D Gold?, Has better mid-range, textured, vocals sound more realistic, cheers.
Audiolabyrinth, No I have not tried the Gold. My system is a little on the rich sounding side (as compared to lean) so I thought the Rhodium would work better.
Still, perhaps something to try someday.
Since AC mains power is noisy, I prefer direct gold/copper outlets and plugs. The brass Hubbells are grainier IMO, similar to Rhodium.
I am conterplating getting the wall frame and carbon fiber face plate, is there substantial benefit in noticable sound to get this with a Furutech GTX-D Gold recepticle, or is the improvement subtle?