ILLusion Liquid Air Umbilical for Modwright units


I can tell you this without hesitation if you haven't already done so, upgrade your stock umbilical cord to an Audio Magic Liquid air or even an Illusion Liquid Air which I have and you'll be blown AWAY!

The results are like changing a component, this cable produces spooky pin-point imaging, 3D layering within the soundstage, low level detail never heard revealed with no brightness, pitch black background, extremely musical and truly a chameleon.

This cable is truly a revelation and must be heard to believe and I can say without question that you will be amazed...
I have not considered the EML 5U4 but I may read up on it to see what folks are saying...
Wig, I found some older references on Audio Circle to a fellow using the EML with his MW transporter. He had some issues due to the voltage to the rectifier being too high.

I'm having a little trouble figuring out what the deal is with the 5U4 tube, and if the 5U4G tube is actually a suitable tube for the 9.9.

I did mention once to Dan that I wanted to try the EML tube in the 9.9. He didn't dissuade me from doing so, but I would want to know more before shelling out that kind of money.

The eml tube is supposed to be a superb rectifier. I am still using the Gold Lion 5AR4s in my 9.0 and 9.9. Every once in a while I roll the Mullard back in, but I just prefer the GLs hands down to both the Create and the Mullard.

I will give Jerry a call soon on the umbilicals and see what he says.
The 5U4G is a drop-in replacement if you have a hole cut in the top of the case to allow for its extra height. The 5R4GYS is also a drop-in replacement; it needs both a hole in the top and a piece of the back panel cut off to fit. There are also some 6___ series rectifiers which are electrically appropriate replacements but need pin adapter sockets.

Which Mullards are you using? There are many different ones and they are far from equivalent either in price or performance. The consensus I have been able to gather suggests that pre-1960 is best except for the relatively rare 1962 4-notch Blackburn made ones which are also good.
Can you go into a little more detail about these Audio Magic umbilicals? Where do you get them and what connectors do you specify? It appears to me that at least some of the models are quite pricey LOL.

Our (Wig's and my) systems are pretty similar; we should share some more information about tweaks and tuning.
Rbbert, Thanks for the info on the 5U4G. Don't suppose you have any experience with the EML tube?

I do have the hole in the top, so I should be ok. BTW, (not to answer for wig) I just got off the phone with Jerry at Audio Magic. I ordered two Illusions, one for my HAPZ1 and one for my 5400. If you give Jerry a call, he knows exactly what connections are required for the MW power supplies and he is aware of this thread.

Jerry sells direct to customers as well as through dealers. Personally, I find it easier and faster just to buy directly from Audio Magic, but to each his own.