Rhodium vs Gold AC connectors

Hi dear fellows.Does anybody tried these type of connectors in power cords?In my case I don`t know which could be the differences in sound performances between them.I heard that rhodium connectors have more extended hights frequences , more airy and fluid than gold connectors, but also that they can produce a non-lively sound, with too much control.Regarding Gold connectors I red that they produce a warmer sound, specially in the mids, but with not so much detail as rhodium.Is it true?I will appreciate your comments to make a proper decision.Thanks in advance!Raf
TBG, That is odd that you posted those comment's, coming from someone who only own's Rhodium connector's and outlet's, and has told me numerous time's that Gold to you was inferrior to Rhodium by a large margin, I trusted you, and you were correct!, I trust my own finding's, most here have not a/b testing furutech GTX-D Rhodium and Gold like I have, I had both here for week's, no, I am not saying that Rhodium is for everyone, but to tell me that their is very little difference between the two when I heard a substantial difference does not make any sence, I take opinon's as a basis to investagte and try my self in my system, so the science is that I tried both and had my preference, it does not matter to me what anyone else uses, I like the Gold version, not bad, However, the Gold sounded very veiled compaired to the Rhodium version for outlet's, connector's are a different story, I have no exsperience with them yet, so I cannot give an opinon other than what certain metal's sound like, cheers TBG.
No one trusts anyone else's opinions here and should not.

Anyone else find that a very odd comment coming from a reviewer? Or do I have Tbg confused w someone else?
@Audiolabyrinth, if you were running some reference speakers and a good source, I would take more notice if your findings. But anyone who pairs $45k worth of wire with a pair of speakers worth $695 today and a budget Chinese cd player has rocks in their head and I won't respect their view. So write as many essays about the GTX-D(R)as you like...I am sure you'll have a captive audience. I will wait until i've got my new Vitus SCD-025 player and Jorma Statement sc's are run in before evaluating the GTX-D(G) and posting a review. Obviously my Vitus/Magico/Jorma system and extensive Stillpoints isolation will enable me to write a more accurate review of how this wpo performs.
02-02-15: Swampwalker

No one trusts anyone else's opinions here and should not.

Anyone else find that a very odd comment coming from a reviewer? Or do I have Tbg confused w someone else?
Tbg has observed in this and other threads many examples of members like Audiolabyrinth lavishing endless praise on those who express views which accord with his own opinion, whilst correspondingly critizing and talking down those who express a contrary view until they're snuffed out and the member walks away. Tbg's comment might have been a bit overarching, but i'm picking up his frustration at the kind of commentary he has obseverved. The fact is, Audiolabyrinth shouts from the rooftops how great his gear is and invests a vast amount of energy trying to convince everyone on this forum of that. Try posting a contrary view and sticking to your guns. You can actually see how his comments become more and more crtical to the point of fanaticism. And there are a sizeable number of groupies who jump into blindly defend him. Members like Audiolabyrinth polarize views on this forum, therefore Tbg's comment is completely understandable.
wow!, there you go folk's, there you see him for who he really is!, any one who say's that I do not hear what I do and did has lost all concept of reality!, see ya!