Unfortunately, the purpose of this thread has been moved toward non-sense comments. Expensive audio gears doesnt mean better quality! The essential is to enjoy music on what we have, cheap, middle range price or expensive
Some have older but good audio gears and knows how to set it up properly with special cables, so be it
Some JUST pretend (!?) to have expensive audio device in order to make their opinion more plausible, so be it
On my second system, I have a B&W 804 with MCintosh MX135 and a Denon 100anniversary amp, I enjoy listening to music as I do with my Tannoy Canterburry SE + special tweeter, BAT 600se, Viva Linea XP, Mcintosh c2300. Using more appropriate cables on my modest second system made an enormous improvement on sound quality. The sound quality that I didnt hear even on Audio shows with some >$80K systems.
Some audio manufacturers offering expensive devices/cables to make the statement that their products are the best thats why it is so expensive. Some of them they went out of business and some are struggling with serious financial problems because of lack of sales. They change name of company with same product but cheaper price! They hire some cheap reviewers to present those products as the best in the market! And most dramatic is that some People without a brain follow every reviewer like groupies. Thats is why I dont trust reviewers, expectation (with cautious) of some honest ones like Paul Bolin, Marc Mickelson, and some on theabsolutesound.
The bottom line is: One could feel to be musically more connected toward a Gold ac plug/outlet or Rhodium Ac plug/outlet, so be it!