Breaking of Furutech's AC connectors...??

Hi dear fellows!Do you know how many hours needs a Furutech AC connector to breaking?I' ve heard something like 150 hours.Is that ok or may be sooner is the breaking time?Any comments will be appreciated.Cheers!Rafael.
Hi Michelzay, are you useing the Rhodium on your amp?, or the Gold?, is your amp solid state or tube?
Hi Audiolabyrinth, I use Fi-11 Gold on Preamp MC2300 with a great result. I got a Transparent PLMM PC that I changed connectors to Fi-11N1 Gold. This cord is used to feed a Tara Labs PM2 (power conditioner) from the wall. Preamp is connected to this PC with Dynamic Design Lotus Mk3 w/Fi-11N1 Gold (I changed original Rhodium to Gold).

As for Amp, it is a BAT Vk-600SE which needs two Power cords. I use a Transparent PL Super (the old one with Brass connectors!) from Wall to Tesla Powercell 4. I use another Tara labs Ad6 (power conditioner) connected to Powercell 4 via DD mk3 with Fi-11 Rhodium. My amp is connected to this Tara labs Ad6 using two Customer Power Cord Company (CCPC) TopGun. This CCPC ToPGun is an excellent power cord, some criticized it for lack of High Frequencies, but with this setup, I could hear the tiniest detail on HF with an excellent Soundstage and clarity on all frequency ranges also having a strong bass. It all depends to setup. My Cd player is also connected to this Tara Labs Ad6. I use a Dynamic Design Challenger power cord having Fi-11 Gold. My interconnect cables are Audioquest SKY and speaker cables are Audioquest Meteor.

Generally speaking Fi-11 Gold, is more suitable for my system. my second setup is different! I did try Male Rhodium/ IEC Gold and the inverse too, but I ended up to use same Metal for Male/IEC. It depends to power cord materials.

To achieve a pleasant system proper to his/her taste of hearing, One needs to try different configurations with Power conditioners (cascading) and different power cords. It takes a lot of time/effort, however results would certainly be satisfying. Buying a power cord based on reviews is not a reasonable decision, economically speaking and sound quality wise! my taste/experience could be different compared others...

Hi michel, that was a very good post you did and helpful, currently, I have many E-mailing me and posting to me there opinions for very high-current solid state use for GTX-D out lets, for some odd reason, the Rhodium is killing the Gold with responses with this topic, I am doing my best to get a direct answer with my very important question about the mid-range and vocals, sound stage placement in general, LOL!, no one has accomidated this answer period, cheers.