Breaking of Furutech's AC connectors...??

Hi dear fellows!Do you know how many hours needs a Furutech AC connector to breaking?I' ve heard something like 150 hours.Is that ok or may be sooner is the breaking time?Any comments will be appreciated.Cheers!Rafael.
Hi Audiolabyrinth.Yes!!! she is a beautiful beast indeed.Congrats!!!I will take Chris proposal.You can try gold first, listen to carefully and if something doesn`t convince you then you can exchange it for a rhodium version.My criteria is that Krell has a lot of resolution by nature, so maybe a gold receptacle could add this velvety character,roundness and musicality.I don`t know which your taste is, but if you want bigger voices, warmness and presence, gold is an excellent option.As an example speaking of AC connectors, I have a Krell kav 300cd and rhodium didn`t work in it, voices sounded restrained, with too much control, any engaging listening at all.It was a collection of details with zero musicality.I put then the gold AC connectors and it works amazingly, bigger voices, depth in soundstage,warmness and accurate detail as well.A friend of mine has a krell MD-10 transport and the same rhodium AC connectors didn`t worked also.Then he installed Gold ones and it sounded beautifully and now he can enjoy long hours of listening jazz with a cup of hot cofee in his hands.So if this criteria of AC connectors applies to receptacle outlets, I would take gold first.In the end your ears will tell what to get.Hope this help!Cheers!Raf
I agree with Rafae10054's suggestion. Sounds like a good plan to me. If you
decided you did not like the gold, I'd be tempted to just keep it for future
use in a different location or on a different piece of equipment.
I'm currently burning in a Furutech GTX-D Rhodium on my Audiodharma
Cable Cooker.
what a wonderful post to me you did Rafael0054, thankyou, you are a first class gentleman.
Hi Lak, please give your impressions when you have the time, we are all in this together my friend, thankyou for your post.