The most holographic Power Cord

Thanks for your interest in my topic.

As we know, different cables can have a different effect on the sound space. And now I would like to know a power cord with the most large, holographic and open soundstage.

The first candidates from me:
Synergistic Research with tungsten conductors
Crystal Clear Audio
Elrod Power Systems
Elrod Gold Statement and up and Stage 111 Triton and Kraken. I have heard them both with lots of others and these two win hands down.
Tara Labs just introduced some new power cord's to their line-up, The new cobalt Reference, The Evolution power cord, and the new flagship, The Grandmaster power cord, if any one can go and listen to these cord's, give some feed back on them.
If you find a "holographic power cord", make sure you nominate the designer for a Nobel prize since they can defy physics.

In fact, all of you spending thousands on these miraculous power cords should do the same for your respective manufacturers.

Once Nobel looks into it, I'm sure the only award they win will be related to marketing prowess.

In my 20+ years as an audiophile, almost every person's system I've heard that spent thousands on a power cord sounded like crap. They are foolishly conned into thinking that a power cord will fix poor choices in gear.

Cabling can make a difference, but it usually only evidences itself if you are starting with poor quality wire/connectors or using mismatched gear over long runs. A power cord is even more dubious since no signal runs through it and any LEGITIMATE improvement would likely be indicative of a poorly designed component more than the cable itself.

Expecting to get "holographic sound" from a power cable is sheer folly (as long as we're talking in the real world of physics...not audiophile delusion).

In dealerships or at shows that sounded good and included systems with thousand dollar power cords, I've often asked them if thousand dollar power cords were necessary to get that level of performance from their gear.

Some will quickly offer to exchange out the expensive cords to show the performance of their equipment is identical.

Others give you a smirk and wink acknowledging that the industry is polluted with just as much marketing scam as legitimate engineering.

I know you clowns will parse every word of my comment and come back with countless retorts of how your system defies physics and thousand dollar power cords are worth it, so carry on. You are welcome to use my post as an excuse for self affirmation.

All I can say in reply to people so delusional is "good luck in your search".
"If you find a "holographic power cord", make sure you nominate the designer for a Nobel prize since they can defy physics."

I'm actually looking for a power cord that can address audio quality through adjustment of the 4th dimension. One can easily imagine some cable company cribbing the paragraph following Wikipedia to try to hawk cables correcting in one meter all of the supposed sins attendant to 1,000 miles of power grid system:

In physics, spacetime (also space–time, space time or space–time continuum) is any mathematical model that combines space and time into a single interwoven continuum. The spacetime of our universe is usually interpreted from a Euclidean space perspective, which regards space as consisting of three dimensions, and time as consisting of one dimension, the "fourth dimension". By combining space and time into a single manifold called Minkowski space, physicists have significantly simplified a large number of physical theories, as well as described in a more uniform way the workings of the universe at both the supergalactic and subatomic levels.

The PR copy would read:

Our Neoteric Space-Time Continuum line of cryogenically-treated cables adds a fourth dimension of holographic imaging. By combining space and time into a single manifold called Minkowski space with rare 8Ns Albanian silver and carbon-imbued plant extract (which some people called "newspaper,") our researchers partnering with physicists and others from the Irwin Corey Institute have significantly simplified a large number of physical theories, as well as described in a more uniform way the workings of the dielectic cable theory at both the atomic and subatomic levels.