You definitely got JERKED, BIG TIME. This low life was setting you up for something. Was he a criminal defense attorney? A real low life I once knew (he actually managed to get himself disbarred, and you KNOW how lawyers on the board of overseers protect their own!) His clients would pay him in stolen merchandise! Cops came down and towed a stolen Corvette out of his driveway one afternoon! Even this didn't get him disbarred! But that's another story! Sounds like he wanted to trade you something of questionable ownership, but you didn't bite. Consider yourself lucky. Also, had you left your amp for 3 days, it probably would have been "damaged" or more likely "stolen", he would have offered you an item for replacement that was just too good to refuse, and you would be the proud owner of a STOLEN whatever! I, too, always prefer to sell locally. You are under NO obligation to take the offers in the order that they were received. Unless you accept the offer, it's just that...AN OFFER! A legal (or moral) contract does not happen unless and until YOU ACCEPT THAT OFFER. You did nothing unethical regardless of whatever anyone says. And how many of us had received "firm" offers and then wait for a check that never arrives. And then comes the bulls**t excuse, if the "buyer" will even return our e-mails? I know that you're upset. I've used experiences such as this as learning experiences. We're all here because we LOVE audio. But that doesn't mean that everyone here is above board. Hey, you'll someday probably laugh about this. But he will ALWAYS be a dirtball! Happy Tunes!