Shunyata vs. Audience vs. Bybee?

Hi, I want to get a power conditioner for my stereo (with TV), and I've narrowed it down to the Shunyata Hydra Triton, the Audience Adept Response aR6 TSS or the Bybee Stealth Power Purifier.

Can anyone comment on the comparative strengths and weaknesses?
I have the latest Audience Adept aR6 TSSD and it is the best I've heard. I am considering other avenues and have to part with it. If interested e-mail me. I'll tell ya all about it.
Ditto on the Audience. game changer. had a Hydra years ago; very good, but not an Audience.

Again, all these recs for devices are missing what is the most important point in power conditioning: the specific context of the system (and perhaps most immportantly local power grid).

Though I will note that the appropriateness of power conditioners for big, power-hungry amps does seem to be pretty consistent across locations. Some power conditioners seem to limit the dynamics of an amp. Which is why many amp manufacturers recommend plugging their amps directly into the wall.