Comments on interconnect cables

I have owned my Harmonic Technology Magic Link 2 interconnect XLR cables since 2007 so it is time for an interconnect cable upgrade. One option, of course, is the Harmonic Technology Magic Link 3 interconnect cables ($900). See:

My dealer is suggesting something in the Shunyata Research’s line.

Several people seem to like the Darwin Truth Interconnect cables as described below:

The IC cables will go from my Ayre QB-9 DSD DAC to my Luxman L-590ax integrated amplifier.

Does anyone have any suggestions on the above cables or other cables I should consider? My budget is around $1,000.
Thank you very much for your comments above. I appreciate everyones comments and suggestions. In summary, one person said to "keep what I have", another said "waste of money", another person asked for more information and I received other posts suggesting difference cables (Wireworld, WyWires, AQ Columbia, Harmonic Technology, Time Portal Reference, Mogami Gold Studio, Purists, Zen Wave Audio D4, Darwin Cables, etc).

One Audio member "highly recommended the Darwin Trust interconnect cables". In addition, someone else reported “Darwin Trust IC’s gets his highest recommendation for audiophiles with an above average cable budget, who are tired of pseudo science and cables whose price seems to have no relation to the cost of manufacturing or production”. Someone said “he actually first used his Darwin Trust with the Ayre QB-9 DAC (I have the DSD DAC version) and it blew him away”.

This is amazing (and, yes, is normal for our hobby). It seems everyone I ask about interconnect cables recommends a different product. Of course, everyone has a different opinion, system, room setup and other feelings. Are the Darwin Truth IC's really that good? Darwin Cables reports “in every instance his clients rave about soundstage, micro details, natural dynamics, subterranean lows and delicate, sweet highs. He is also an owner of the Ayre DAC. Yes, he says "Darwin Truth Cables really are that good! We look different because we are different, delivering the purest, most transparent and neutral signal in the business. Most owners report a night and day difference. Every one tells us they hear things they never heard before on recordings they thought they knew well”.

1) Does anyone else have any comments on Darwin Truth Interconnect cables?

2) Does anyone have any comments on the Harmonic Technology Magic Link 3 XLR cable OR the new Harmonic Technology Armour Link 3 XLR cable?

So what am I going to do? I do not know. To be honest, I am gathering information on my income taxes so the interconnect cable decision is temporary on hold. As I said before, I am in no hurry to make a decision. Beside, it is more fun to sit back and listen to music.
You make valid points, but you have to expect this type of thing when you ask about cables. Not only do different people like different cables, you also have to figure what one's motivations are for making the recommendation. You would think its just about sound quality, but that's not always the case. You also need to be able to factor in someones belief system when they recommend cables. For example, some people feel that cables make little to no difference in SQ, so they'll recommend an inexpensive, well made, basic cable, and tell you that its as good as anything on the market. While they may believe this, others may feel different, and have actual experiences that would be different. Some shoot for price points, while others go after a certain design or materials used. The important thing to keep in mind, is that much of this may not be apparent when they give you a recommendation. Though in order for the recommendation to have value, you really need to know the full logic behind ones choice, and not simply the choice itself.

So now, at this point, you're probably thinking this is hopeless. But there is one way you could do this, and that's my way. My way is the best way. lol. I by my cables from a place called The Cable Company. ( What makes this place so good is that they have demo units of all the cables they sell. And their inventory is huge. They're the largest cable dealer in the world. They will most likely have a demo unit of every cable mentioned in this discussion, to send you all at once, so that you can try them all and make the best decision. $900 is a lot of money for a piece of cable. Might as well get the right one.
Zd542: Thanks for the suggestion. I contacted The Cable Company and am waiting for them to respond.