What makes a better phono cable ?

Silver or copper? My understanding would be silver but finding a low capacitance silver cable has been a challenge.Currently using a Synergistic Tricon Analog.Nice cable but seems to be my weakest link.Any experienced input would be greatly appreciated.
I've been using Connex Audio from ebay $226 Solid Core 100% Silver Phono RCA Interconnect for last 5 years and never look back.
Silver has its own character that might not be to everyone's tastes. Personally, I despise it whenever I hear it, but each to his own.

You have to be careful with silver. It does things that copper can't do, but doesn’t always sound better. Well designed solid core silver, in my experience, is the most compatible. For my TT's, I use AQ Cheetah. Not only does it sound great, but the DBS system helps the cables break in fast, and keeps them broken in for longer periods of time when not in use. A good feature for vinyl.
Sorry, but that question is like asking what makes a better flavor, chocolate or vanilla?
They each will have their own strengths and weakness' and they are both capable of sounding wonderful or terrible depending on the ancillary equipment and personal tastes.