Zd542's response, although not necessarily what we want to hear is the correct one.
I've been wrestling with the cable question for some time seeking the best &/or a giant (read costly) killer, and given the almost infinite number of our individual system variables, there is no one or right answer.
As much as I dispise cable auditioning, that's the only way to find something that beats something else. Price may enter into it, but the relationship may be anything other than what is logical! Obviously all the cable manufacturers & sellers would like us to believe otherwise.
I've been wrestling with the cable question for some time seeking the best &/or a giant (read costly) killer, and given the almost infinite number of our individual system variables, there is no one or right answer.
As much as I dispise cable auditioning, that's the only way to find something that beats something else. Price may enter into it, but the relationship may be anything other than what is logical! Obviously all the cable manufacturers & sellers would like us to believe otherwise.