Over the past year I've tried several Nordost
speaker cables in my system, starting with Red
Dawn, and followed by Heimdall, Frey, and finally
Tyr. I eventually chose the Frey, which has now
been in my system for about 6 months, and I'm very
pleased with the performance. Overall, I'd say the
Heimdall is the "sweet spot" in the
Norse line if price is a major factor in your
selection process. However, if you have a bit more
in your budget, you should go with the Frey's. The
Frey's provide about 90-95% of the Tyr's sound
quality and unless one has a very high resolution
system I rather doubt that you'll notice any
meaningful difference. In your case, however, you
DO have a ri-rez system, and I think buying the
Tyr's is well justified.
I bought mostly new cables from a dealer that
offered a major discount, and if you'll call me I
will give you the contact info. My phone number is
"two zero six -- seven seven two -- one nine
zero nine".
P.S. Before the Nordosts, I also used Alpha-Core
Goertz MI2 speaker cables. You are correct when
you say the Nordost cables are a big improvement.