I agree with ZD. I would add that the sonic effects of a digital cable will depend on a complex and pretty much unpredictable set of relationships between its technical characteristics, including even its length, and those of both of the components it is connecting. So in general (and contrary to claims that may be made in some marketing literature) I would not attribute sonic characteristics such as "forgiving" to digital cables, as whatever sonic effects they may have will be different in different applications.
Depending on the results of the experiments ZD has suggested, you might consider (as he has often suggested) auditioning a few different cables via The Cable Company, preferably in a couple of different lengths. With one of those lengths being 1.5 meters, or a little more than that, as explained here.
-- Al
Depending on the results of the experiments ZD has suggested, you might consider (as he has often suggested) auditioning a few different cables via The Cable Company, preferably in a couple of different lengths. With one of those lengths being 1.5 meters, or a little more than that, as explained here.
-- Al