Freak Me Out

I am looking for a CD that is very strange and exciting at the same time.Weird music,sound effects,good sound quality etc.Anyone know where Im coming from?
David, a buddy gave me a CD he bought in India which is really well recorded with sound effects and Indian music, tablas, etc., with vocals. I think it is the soundtrack from a movie, but I'm not sure. Sort of *Star Wars comes to Bombay*. All of the instruments and vocals must have been miked separately and they seem to separate well, as though the performers are in a semi-circle in front of the listener. I actually use this as a reference CD (it is so well recorded) - must have listened to it a hundred times.
If you have an interest, let me know and I'll see if I can send you a copy.
MC 900 Ft. Jesus, One Step Ahead of the Spider, cut #3: If I Only Had A Brain. But be careful; the bass hits on this cut will definitely test your system's limits. Plus, there is all sorts of wierd stuff on here.
Hi David: Here is one of the better compilations that I mentioned earlier. "Passengers: Original Sounstracks #1 issued by Island records. Music by: Brian Eno, Adam Clayton, The Edge, Larry Mullen Jr., etc. Also if you are not familar with Eno, Robert Fripp & Iggy (I guess) you may want to check them out. I don't know if the "Angry Beavers" cartoon show has a soundtrack album out yet, but you may want to keep your eyes peeled for that one as well.
For a rather otherworldly musical experience, I would recommend checking out one of the discs that document Tod Dockstader's experiments with electronics and tape loops, all of which were composed in the early to mid-'60's. When you consider the sounds and sonic explorations that this man created with what would now be considered the most rudimentary recording & editing technology, it really is fairly befuddling. On some levels, it puts much modern electronic music to shame and it is much more compelling than some similar minded music that was being created at the time, which became a little dry and academic. There's at least 2 CD's out and I'd recommed the one called "Apocalypse" with his classic 'Luna Park' composition.

For modern examples of similar strange-ness, try anything by Biota; a group of folks from Colorado who create some seriously unusual sonic-soup using mostly processed acoustic instruments. Their recordings are accompanied by artwork created by the band as visual interpretations for the music therein. Not for everyone, but a unique experience nonetheless.