Freak Me Out

I am looking for a CD that is very strange and exciting at the same time.Weird music,sound effects,good sound quality etc.Anyone know where Im coming from?
I'm not sure these are freaky, but they're certainly exotic and VERY well recorded. Try Warren Smith's "Cats Are Stealing My $hit", Asante's "Ohene Kesee A Ebin" or "Bluiett's Barbeque Band" by Hamiet Bluiett. There's a lot more info and sound bytes on our website.

You might also track down anything by Foetus. I used to have the albums "Nail" and "Hole". It's a very odd mixture of sound effects (a chair dragging across a concrete floor, fingernails on a chalkboard, etc.) with a industrial-sounding drum machine and occational vocals.

I also heard a band recently called the Tards. I'm told the group is an revolving collective of musicians playing very rhythmic bluesy, industrial-rock-punk while pretending to be mentally-challenged. It's definitely weird and potentially offensive. They have a couple of releases available on Sympathy for the Record Industry records.
Has anyone mentioned John Zorn's "Spillane"? If so, I second the motion... if not, thoroughly recommended.
BTW, I confess to improper laziness; am making a hard copy of the posts to read later at leisure.
THANKS everyone!!
The Boredoms are exactly what you want.
They're Japanese. They use every sound they can produce by any means. Very loud, pretty much insane but still coherant.
Of what I've heard, I'm most fond of the CD Super Are. What I've heard of their latest, Vision Creation New Sun, is more electronic and jungly.
The Group is called "YELLO" , Cd is "One Second".Everyone is familiar with one of the later tracks but the entire disc has great depth,effects,imaging,and very unique instrumentation.Also check out a CD called "Spies,Music of Espianage".Both are a tremendous work out for speakers and need lots of power to convey their weight.
A cd from DHM label called ' Mythomania- songs of witches, fairies and ghosts'. A great find in terms of being different classical and at the same time EXCELLENT recording. If you are in to classical you will love this CD. Singing is what will freak you out.( and not because it is in GERMAN)