Pick your favorite, and tell me why...

I am searching for artists/recordings to add to my library. I love the sound of the tenor sax. (I played in high-school) Presently, I only have CD as a source, so let's not explore vinyl options because I have no extra $$$ to spend on an analog front end right now. I am leaning towards blues/jazz .

If you don't have the Johnny Hartman/John Coltrane Cd.....well, you should.

Best, Jim
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Rosstaman, spent the day listening to that Hawkins encounters Webster CD and all I can say is Wow! I am really loving that smooth sound and want more if I can find it. I can't seem to get the disc out of the CD player! Thanks so much. As for some of the other suggestions, I am ordering from Mapleshade in the morning, I just need to pick a few others so I can order over 4 discs. Is this fun or what? Oh, are you all getting these XRCD's in a regular store like Tower Records, or are you ordering them on the net?