Good thread. FYI, Sue McCorkle died a few years back, suicide. She had had some health problems and career setbacks. I have tons of he stuff and loved it all.
I second alot of the stuff on this list. Some oters.. Laverne Butler is another below the radar singer...bluesy with a Carmen feel. Carmen Mcrae obviously has to be mentioned. Rene Marie, Anne Hampton Callaway, Rebecca Kilgore, Diane Schurr, Jackie Allen, Carla Helmbrecht,an Irish singer whose name escapes me now..very Billie influenced. Old Nancy Wilson with Cannonball Adderly and some other standards oriented sets.
I second alot of the stuff on this list. Some oters.. Laverne Butler is another below the radar singer...bluesy with a Carmen feel. Carmen Mcrae obviously has to be mentioned. Rene Marie, Anne Hampton Callaway, Rebecca Kilgore, Diane Schurr, Jackie Allen, Carla Helmbrecht,an Irish singer whose name escapes me now..very Billie influenced. Old Nancy Wilson with Cannonball Adderly and some other standards oriented sets.