Modern day female jazz recommendations

We all know the classics from decades ago. What are your favorite your more contemporary female jazz singers of today?

Living close to Nashville I have the opportunity to see and hear a lot of up and coming artists. Nashville is NOT just country music by a long shot.

I'll start with Diana Krall....
Hello Guys ,

Great thread !

Tried Roberta Gambarini, after hearing about her for the first time here, fantastic singer! the best of the newbies IMO and highly recommended.

Rite of passage by Sunny Sumter is also a thumbsup , give
sophie Milman a listen also...

I sampled many of the names contributed, and, "YAWN". All that's missing from these genre relaxed works is the murmer of conversations and the tinkling of glassware. What a rut ! Jazz does not stop at the Atlantic and Pacific, nor with the Mel Torme style. There is great music being produced in Brazil right now.
"All that's missing from these genre relaxed works is the murmer of conversations and the tinkling of glassware" - Garn509 - lol, I couldn't agree with you more.