Led Zeppelin Mothership

I just got Mothership on LP. After loving the re-release of the Song Remains the Same I am a bit disappointed.

While Jimmy Page has done a good job at removing the sibilance, and over-saturation of the treble on the Classic Records versions of Zep I and II, he has also removed the excitement. The "Oh my God I feel like I am in the studio with Zeppelin" feeling has been replaced with a dull but clean sound. By mixing it so that no one instrument stands out over the other he has taken all of the "fun" out of the music.

Oddly enough he did a better job with the cd version. It sounds more analog then any of the prior Zep cd's. While it doesn't sound as good as the lp version, or the classic records albums, it is some of the best digital rock I have heard.
Fair enough...but if used judiciously... compression is not necessarily a bad thing...but this is highly subjective...and focused on Mothership...which is the orig post...a decent sounding best of.
The problem is it's not judicious. That's my whole point. The examples I gave are eviscerated dynamic range wise. It's like a color photo that's been made black and white. Think of it like this, you've got a Miss America contestant who has a beautiful face, gorgeous figure, except for one thing: she's bow legged. Kinda ruins the whole thing, no? The big selling point for digital was supposedly dynamic range. What they did was take away their big selling point.
Mothership is as outdated as this thread... The new 2014/15 zep remasters have been unanimously praised
From what I can tell after a cursory look at the Official Dynamic Range Data Base the new Led Zeppelin CDs and High Def files are quite compressed with the lowest level of most of them unfortunately being down in the RED and the average only in the orange. Oh, well, C'est la vie. Lol