Ambient / New Age Anyone?

I got a lot out of the 'Techno Anyone' thread, so I thought I'd start up one for the ambient/new age stuff. Stuff like Brian Eno (father of ambient), Patrick O'Hearn, Tangerine Dream, Klaus Shulze, Richard Burmer...

I'd like to hear everyone and anyone's thoughts on what they think are the best of the genre.

I particularly like Eno/Budd's The Pearl, Eno's 'Apollo', Richard Burmer's 'Mosaic' and 'Invention', Patrick O'hearn's 'Between Two Worlds' and 'Rivers Gonna Rise', Tangerine Dream's hard to find 'White Eagle' and Klaus Shulze's 'Dune'. I'll chime in with more later.

Any other 'must-haves'??

Thanks Richard. I do have Stearns' M'Ocean, which I enjoyed, but haven't listened to in a while. Perhaps it's time to give it a spin.

Robert mentioned Dweller at the Threshold (why do I think of Piper at the Gates of Dawn when I see that?) and I checked out their site. They've got a good MP3 demo that I liked a lot.

Haven't been able to dig up much on Pan Sonic or Plaid. It seems I recall these being more toward the Techno vein.

Some other thoughts -

Kitaro. Have a few of his. Not a huge fan, but I enjoy from time to time. Can get repetitive IMO. I have a taped copy of what I believe is his best (or at least my fave) called Ten Kai. It was very obscure relative to his other titles when I got it about 15 years ago. Have never come across the CD, but would put that at the top of the heap of his stuff.

Also thinking about some other stuff -

Eno/Byrne - My Life In the Bush of Ghosts and Byrne's The Catherine Wheel, though I don't think these fall in this category. Just interesting music.


My personal favorite of Steve Roach is "on this planet", it's a live album, but you'd never really know it, the sonics are fantastic as they are on all his albums. I also really like the collaboration album he did called "halycon days"

Steve Reich is certainly worth checking out, don't think it's ambient music though, it would fall into the modern classical category as would Terry Riley
All fans of electronic/ambient should check out Hearts of Space on one of your local PBS radio stations or visit their website at
Ejlif-with regard to Riley& Reich I do state on my original post that they are modern classical....although they are very similar to Ambient in mood...........
there were lots of ambient releases by solo guys from the major german synthesizer bands from the 70's--michael rother did some nice one's, as did roedelius. ex-tangerine dream guys like schultz/schnitzler/baumann/ are worthwhile. some of the offshoot stuff from agitation free members and nueronium or popul vuh are good as well. They tend to be much more in the vein of new age as opposed to the straight synthesizer groups.