More detail for those into it. The Brazilian Masters CD I mentioned is 'phase correct' on my Spectral system-which is wired so that Reference Recordings & Chesky albums/CD's I own play correctly when phase correct position is selected on my Spectral DMC20 preamp. The John Williams plays correctly when phase reverse is selected. Those w/o a phase reverse switch may want to experiment; listening to a cut and then reverse the red & black leads, either at the amp OR speakers and listening again. You will then know the way your system is oriented and can mark your Cds/albums if you find it beneficial/worthwhile. Mine are marked (out of laziness) even though I hear the difference in moments and make the change that "improves the dynamics, clarity and musicality of the album". That phase reversal ability was an essential feature in choosing a preamp.
I have some Segovia I like but not that. It sounds like one I would enjoy. I have the feeling Schubert would agree..
I will check him out. If I like him, his playing on other labels will probably appeal even though the sound may not be up to the Columbia standard. I can listen through inferior reproduction (within limits-and I guess I am fussy/spoiled somewhat) if the music/playing engages me.
I appreciate hearing of these obscure gems and will try to check it out. we can't find them all ourselves-but this venue provides a great opportunity for those who like to share.
Couldn't agree more re Norbert. He's also a nice guy and does technical recording work for Canada's CBC and has co-ordinated and produced Cds for the Naxos label- Cavatina for one. I will look up his catalog but appreciate recommendations on particular albums very much. I can't afford to buy every album/CD (but wish I could), heck, i don't even have time to find what I like-hence this thread.