Classical, Spanish & South American Guitar Jewels

I like the Guitar and find it is relatively easily reproduced with my smaller speakers so the "sound" is generally very acceptable.
I am hoping to find albums versus best of compilations(still welcome); whether on vinyl or CD. I'll start out with 2 CD's I enjoy. Easy listening.
1. Music of the Brazilian Masters, Concord Picante label from Concord Jazz. CCD-4389. Laurindo Almeida, Carlos Bosa-Lima, Charlie Byrd. It's nice to hear the different guitars,playing styles and even strings.
2. Portrait of John Williams. CBS Records Masterworks. MK 37791. John Williams.
I hope someone enjoys these and has suggestions for other treasures. More to follow.
Tosta, I can understand that. Many musicians I know don't like Mozart--but I don't think that means he's not good. What do you think of Pepe and Angel?
Thx Rja. I will be checking these out soon. In a 9-5 course all this week.(meditation : )
Veridian, I agree with you. But,remember, Elvis was most unpopular for a good while. Now, his singing is known to be genius.
And Elvis's voice one of the finest;imho. Are there any with that caliber voice today--male or female? "None" that I know of,I'll say it again,-none.... Patsy Cline + Jim Reeves had great voices too. I find too many popular females of the last 20 yrs have been 'screamers'. Yuck. the men have been better (naturally :-).
There are many good singers still these days.

The difference is that being a good singer used to be a ticket to stardom. Nowadays you might get a star who is also a good singer but its the overall bling and charisma that matters most.

ELvis got his break because he was a white guy who would appeal to the masses in his day. There were many others singing similar music prior that were not as successful commercially. SO really Elvis rode an early wave of pop stardom much like many do today, except today's pop music is much different.

Jim Reeves is almost in a class by himself in terms of longevity, mass appeal and charisma rooted mainly in his vocal abilities, at least from where I stand. Part of that is the timeless appeal of the songs of their day that he and the others mentioned sang. We'll see how well most of the pop stars of today are remembered 50-100 years from now. Some may retain a following but most will be forgotten as has always been the case.