The Flaming Lips are Go Manifesto

Anybody catch The Flaming Lips on CBS's Late Late Show last night, playing their single "Do You Realize?" (from their current album "Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots")? How about the same song being featured in a new Hewlett-Packard TV commercial? Anybody see one of these who's never heard The Lips before? If so, what did you think?

IMO The Lips are, bar none, the finest rock band - artistically speaking - in the world right now, and the only currently-active group or artist still in their prime (and maybe just entering it their case) whose best work I would classify as being up there near the cream of the all-time greats. And it's funny to think that they came out of Oklahoma City, of all places, over fifteen years ago as a charmingly amatuerish and noisily raw poppish hardcore band with a humorous streak, and have steadily evolved (what other band or artist in the field can you name who has put out ten albums, each one a clear advancement beyond the last?) into the sublimely tuneful and powerfully lyrical art-pop group they are today, seamlessly mixing equal parts experimentalism and classicism in a sound that's uniquely original and yet timeless in its sheer creativity.

They are lauded around the globe as The Best Band In The World by the international rock press (surpassing even Radiohead I think), yet when they're not touring with Beck as they are now, I can still see them play in a reasonably-sized club gig in their own country. Maybe this will be changing now, I don't know, but if they do finally move up the rock food chain, they will have deserved it long ago (their only semi-hit came back in '93 with the hilarious "She Don't Use Jelly").

To me, it's The Flaming Lips, not Nirvana or The Smashing Pumpkins, who in the end truly represent the possibility for the ultimate triumph to be secretly carried out on behalf of America's seminal underground 'indie-rock' explosion of the 80's. Nirvana signaled the movement's artistic death at the same time that it hailed its commercial breakthrough, while The Lips - there before Nirvana, still here (and growing) after - continue as the genuine surviving spawn and blossoming link to Rock's continuum (now reduced as it is to the desicated thread of an art form whose golden age was in twilight even long prior to today's utter [and utterly disgusting] industry/market squelching or co-opting of any remaining original artisitc impulse that kids raised on MTV and video games can possibly muster) of dynamic creative expressionism that exploded for the second time in the 60's and then again (and for the last time, but mostly underground) a decade later.

Whereas Nirvana exuded the youthful (even if realistic) rage of nihilism, and the frustration of (and eventual defeat by) unavoidable compromise, The Pumpkins the fascination of mere narcissism, and bands like Pearl Jam the comforts of conventional arena-rock (oops, better make that 'alt-rock' nowadays) career-mongering, The Flaming Lips have quietly metamorphosed from their earlier ironist and obscurist leanings into an encouraging exultation of optimism and celebration of universiality not seen at this level since the early days of U2, but without the preachiness, humorlessness, or social-commentary pomposity. In fact, the bands whose unfulfilled larger-market promise I see The Lips as potentially inheriting more successfully than they could manage in their time - and with more artistic integrity than the grunge cohort - are the original casualties of indie-rock's doomed flirtation with the big-time, bands such as Sonic Youth, The Replacements, Husker Du, and Dinosaur Jr.

Can I get a witness from any members who are fans? I know that perhaps not many audiophools have this kind of taste in music (and none of The Lips' recordings are audiophilic aurally), but anybody who loves the legacy Rock at its best has given us as a truly modern art form and has a yearning for the adventurous and the expressive, could definitely do worse than to bend an ear to this most accomplished yet promising group of middle-aged bubbling-unders we have on Earth today. For the curious uninitiated, good places to start are either their present release mentioned at the top, their previous album (and breakthrough record, sound- and approach-wise) "The Soft Bulletin", or for those with a good tolerance for guitar-noise, 1995's great "Clouds Taste Metallic".
I think the last Wilco record was pretty good-I think it was a much better marriage of their alt-country roots and new technology/sounds than their previous record Summerteeth which I really didn't like.
I admire your stance Zaikesman because you are an enthuasiast and fair minded and I'll set you straight Springsteen is still capable of writing great songs he has a few on his new record which I do think is overrated imho.
Whilst I think there are some major problems with The Rising I do think if you've read what Springsteen was trying to achieve in terms of the music and concept he has pretty much achieved that.
And for me that level of talent,vision and discipline is beyond the talents of The Flaming Lips.
Sure they are trying to achieve different things but you can get too much credit sometimes for being "far out".
Wherever it is in your opinion Bruce lost it you can be sure The Flaming Lips will never even make a modicum of that impact-musically,emotionally and intellectually.
Sure they will, and they have - maybe just not on you. Which is OK, although you'll never really know if you don't give them a proper chance. Sorry I threw you with that Boss crack, but I didn't realize that's where you were coming from (I can appreciate his abilities, but he's never been my kind, even when he was shaking things up back in the day). Speaking tangentially to Springsteen though, have you checked out Little Steven's Underground Garage radio show? It's in syndication on over 80 stations nationwide (on Sunday nights where I am). He plays a lot of the great but more obscure and punky 60's stuff that regular radio won't touch, along with modern 60's revival groups (and yes, some Boss, which I think is not only outside the spirit of the show, but a conflict of interest). He also gives some pretty good history lessons in his commentary. I think he's working on a plan to become the next Wolfman Jack when he finally gets too fat to reach his guitar anymore! ;^) You can look it up on his website at
Zaikesman I think it would be fair to say you like a fair amount of "critics" artist such as Chilton's Big Star and your attitude tends more towards the NME hip type scenario they started in 1976 where there are clear dividing lines between what is in and relevant and authentic and what is not.
I grew up in that era and didn't care much for that attitude-I'll love a lot of bands you hate for sure but I have the first two Big Star records and I find them brilliant in parts but not overly important in my collection.
I don't mind liking things that are uncool or even populist but I do laugh at the notion that the Lips are doing their own thing and how hip it is now because in the 70's it would have been laughed out of court,parts of what I've heard DOES sound like Styx and that surely proves how much more it is about being hip rather than the music.
Individuality is great and I'll give you my list of artists who imho surpass those you mention (with the exception of Hendrix)-Bob Dylan,Nick Drake,Mark Eitzel,The Doors,Bowie,Miles Davis.
I should also mention in terms of current music both the new God Speed You Black Emperor record an the new Sigur Ros sound miles more interesting and simply musically better than what I've of the Lips...
The Flaming some regard are like Radiohead, Beck,Mercury Rev,the Strokes,Vines,etc...bands that for some reason get a critical "free ride"....this is not to say some of the attention is unwarranted...majority of the press comes from across the pond...where the Brits are known for being a bit "over the top" and generous with the hyperboles...what the majority of independent record store clerks listen to is the next "big thing" according to NME...I prefer to make up my own mind...and judge a recording on its individual "merit" as opposed to the "hip" factor...
Well Ben (and Phasecorrect), I couldn't disagree with you more about The Lips simply being a flavor of the moment. It seems as if my passing comment about the critical reaction to them has been misinterpreted. I personally don't give a care about what critics say - I couldn't even name you one critic anymore whose writing or opinions I turn to. I'm old enough, have heard enough (my personal music collection runs over 10,000 pieces), and am certainly opinionated enough to figure shit out for myself. Ben, disregarding the Lips issue for a sec, I don't know whether I ought to be more concerned by the fact that you may have actually read what I've written before coming to the bizzare conclusion that I'm some kind of trendinista, or that my writing might be so obtuse that all my readers can do is throw up their hands, glance at the words "international rock press" or "Alex Chilton", and jump to an easy and cynical conclusion. The reason I brought up critical reaction at all was to draw some possible inferences about The Lips' chances to really break through in the public consciousness. Yours is certainly a strange attitude for a Springsteen fan to take, considering that his was one of most extreme examples of being the instant beneficiary of becoming a critical darling in the whole history of rock and what is written about it (leaving to the side the question of whether or not he may have been entirely deserving of this, and also the strong possibility IMO that he may still be, 25 years later, getting more than a little of an easy ride from the rock press generally). Ditto for the Alex Chilton/Nick Drake juxtaposition - their stories of critical resurrection and new-found veneration are actually quite similar.

It was not my intention to get into some kind of pissing match about what's good and what's overrated. None of the artists I listed were supposed to constitute some kind of pantheon of greatness or anything. Basically, I was trying to drop some clues that a reader might employ to help figure out where I'm coming from, so my Lips ravings might be put into some kind of context about just who the hell I am. My list of artists with true individuality could never have been complete anyway - that wasn't the point. Of course I love Miles and Dylan, and of course they fit that description. Maybe I've just taken the wrong approach in trying to talk to you, Ben; maybe I just should have said that my all-time favorite bands are The Beatles and The Rolling Stones (and the critics didn't exactly hate them), or that much of my collection consists of older music so obscure and forgotten that it's never been critically considered, or that I love quite a few bands that the critics have always hated or ignored in their day. I mean, c'mon now - give me some credit, will ya?! Almost the whole point of my posting this thread in first place was to celebrate the fact that there is finally a band who is on the periphery of the radar screen these days who I actually can and do love - 99% of what the media has promoted as being important in rock during the last 15 years I feel has been way overblown. I'm excited because people may actually be getting it right for once, and noticing one of the only bands today I can listen to without getting depressed for the state of the music. You may disagree about The Lips (although I'm not convinced you're speaking from enough experience there to be taken too awfully seriously), and I may disagree about Springsteen's later efforts, but I think it's a shame you seem to be letting that degree of difference persuade you to take an attitude of superiority and condescension in dealing with me or what I have to say. You and I would agree about a lot more than you obviously suppose. The fact that you insist on continuing to try and draw some kind of superficial parallel between Styx and The Flaming Lips, despite my making clear in no uncertain terms that I dislike Styx at least as much as you do (and yet giving your criticism the due consideration and reasoned response you deserve for taking the time to offer it), lets me know that you appparently are not interested in taking me seriously or having an open-minded exchange. In the case of The Lips, if not my own, I'll just say that it's your loss.

Phasecorrect, I couldn't agree with you more about some of the other bands you mention getting undeserved critical hosannas, or at least being overrated. Radiohead in particular, but I should also admit that their whole bag is not to my taste. Beck and especially Mercury Rev have intimate Flaming Lips connections, as I'm sure you know (and I assume that's why you brought them up), but just to give you some perspective on me, I wouldn't buy anything of theirs, though some stuff is OK, just nothing special. Beck is the kind of performer who I might want to like in theory more than I actually do. I find it mildly encouraging that he's moving away from 'rap', but still am not that interested, depite his latest touring band's being the subject of this thread. As for The Strokes, The Vines, The Hives, et al, nobody who wasn't born in the 90's is in any need of this stuff (although I have to say that even I think The Strokes are getting a bit of a bum rap being constantly mentioned in the same breath as the others - they do have a sound and can write hooks, and aren't just trying to get by on phony bluster, though they're about as derivative). I suppose I should appreciate the spirit or something, but really, you and I both know that it's such an uninpsired retread as to actually verge on some kind of insult to the real thing (and also that there are and always have been underground bands doing this kind of stuff for 20 years now, many of whom are/were much better). I also agree with your assessment of the Brit press (doesn't everybody?). But the press liked The Smithereens a lot too, and that doesn't make either them or you wrong about that band, even though I had to dissent somewhat. (And it also doesn't mean I consider you to be any more influenced by the "hip" factor than I am - sometimes the critics and you will just like the same thing.) Anyway, you think there's any chance our friend Ben here could grow to like some of the older Lips stuff that you (and I) dig so much?

P.S. - BTW Phasecorrect, are you a Redd Kross fan? I briefly had hopes for those guys in the 90's too, before grunge snowed everything under, but after their last record stiffed (deservedly so I'm afraid) and the death of their lead guitarist, I don't know if they'll ever get it back together again now.