Best rock bass player

Today is the 11th anniversary of John Entwistle's death. I had the pleasure of seeing him play live a few times and was always impressed by his musicality and ability to keep up with Keith Moon- much less lay a foundation for Pete Townshend. I also have always enjoyed Chris Squire, Stanley Clarke, and Flea for similar reasons. Who are some of your favorites?
Have to give the nod to Tony Levin for his work with King Crimson especially. Also John Wetton and Chris Squire are "musts" for this list. Possibly the greatest bass player that gets very little recognition but is immensely prolific is Mr. Leland Sklar.
a couple not mentioned above whom i've always admired:
graham maby (joe jackson, freedy johnson et al)--a really lyrical player who really frames some excellent-sounding records. i have a special weakness for him cause he also played with they might be giants, the only palatable children's music ever
cris curtwood (meat puppets)--in their very brief heyday they were the best band in america, and he swung like a mofo. i understand he because a serious, dysfunctional junkie, but "up on the sun" is as good as brainfry gets
I actually mentioned Graham Maby as one of my favorites much earlier in this thread. He has a great bouncy, percussive and energetic feel in his playing.